Thursday, July 30, 2009

So confused...

I have never been more confused in my life than I am right now. After reading up on Provera last night, I don't understand why she gave it to me, and whether or not I should even try concieving this month. All it's going to do is start my period over, and just a few days after ovulation. There would be no point in trying because there wouldn't be enough time for the egg to implant, would there?

Todd is ok with whatever decision I make, but my heart is all over the place. I never realized how hard TTC can be. We were so fortunate with Addison and Lauryn. We got a "hole in one" with Addison, and Lauryn only took 2 months. Our angel baby was more difficult because of the strange periods, but we were blessed after 3 months...think it's safe to say that this baby will take 4 ;) I'll be disappointed if I have to sit this cycle out, but I know whatever decision I make will be in the best interest of a healthy baby.

I put in a call to my OB this morning after reading up on Provera. I really was confused and concerned on what I should do. I asked her if I should start taking the medicine right away, and she said yes. I asked her how long it would take for my period to return once I stopped taking the pills, and she said my periods wouldn't change, and that it would return when it normally should. I said to her that I was confused because I have friends who take it to jump start their periods, and she replied by saying that Provera works 2 ways: it can jump start a period, or in my case, it can stop the bleeding of a period that's last a long time. I asked if we had to wait to TTC and she said no. If we're comfortable trying now, she said go for it. I am not sure what we'll do yet, but I am glad that I called and got a "few" answers to my many, many questions. I called Todd to tell him, and he said, "Well, I'm willing to sacrifice my body every night for the next 3 weeks if I need to." Good lord, he's a nut!!

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